We rely on donations from our patrons. If you are willing to help our cause, please take a moment to read about the benefits we offer for various donation amounts.
Program Partner $15,000 (3 Partnerships Available)
Serve as a program partner to ensure that the cost of one of our three program's expenses are met in order to provide free services to our children and youth. Your generous donation will provide educational, life skills training, mentoring, and employment preparation services to at-risk individuals throughout Indian River County.
Benefits to you in appreciation for your generosity:
- Recognition as the fiscal year sponsor of the program of choice
- Visible recognition at the program site with Business Name & Logo
- Acknowledgment at all major events
- Business Name and Logo printed in all advertisement books
- Business Name and Logo on website
- 6 Tickets for signature events for the year
Community Champion $10,000 (1 Partnership Available)
Benefits to you in appreciation for your generosity:
- Visible recognition at the program site with Business Name & Logo
- Acknowledgment at all major events
- Business Name and Logo printed in all advertisement books
- Business Name and Logo on website
- 4 Tickets for signature events for the year
Committed Supporter $5,000
Benefits to you in appreciation for your generosity:
- Visible recognition at the program site with Business Name & Logo
- Acknowledgment at one major event
- Business Name and Logo printed in all advertisement books
- Business Name and Logo on website
- 2 Tickets for signature events for the year
Outreach Partner $1,000
Benefits to you in appreciation for your generosity:
- Visible recognition at the program site with Business Name
- Acknowledgment at one major event
- Business Name printed in all advertisement books
- Business Name on website
- 1 Ticket for a signature event
Program Support Sponsor $500
Benefits to you in appreciation for your generosity:
- Visible recognition at the program site with Business Name
- Acknowledgment at one major event
- Business Name on website
Sponsor a Participant $150
Benefit to you in appreciation for your generosity
- Business Name on website